
Hey folks!

Welcome to The Mash Up Mix, a blog displaying music mash ups, film trailers, TV promos and a few videos you've just gotta see. Plus now read articles on subjects from advice to entertainment to travel as I have a go at proper blogging!

Enjoy! xx

Saturday 14 May 2011

It's okay to...

I think sometimes we all need a little reminder that it's okay to not be perfect. I often get dragged down by who other people think I should be and what they think is right and what isn't. I think it's important to sometimes set your own values of what you think is okay and what isn't. So if like me you've been having a hard time lately at the expectations of others, hopefully this will give you some assurance.

It's okay to...

It's okay to ignore words like 'should' and 'must'. Somebody else's 'shoulds' and 'musts' are just that - theirs! Don't adopt them if they aren't right for you.