
Hey folks!

Welcome to The Mash Up Mix, a blog displaying music mash ups, film trailers, TV promos and a few videos you've just gotta see. Plus now read articles on subjects from advice to entertainment to travel as I have a go at proper blogging!

Enjoy! xx

Friday 15 April 2011

A little rant about the undiscovered/ uninvented/ unexplained/ unfixed/ uncured and not yet eradicated problems of the world

Why are there so many things that haven't been invented yet? Although we can go to the moon, we cannot cure the common cold. It seems ridiculous that with new inventions popping up everywhere, we still haven’t cured/fixed/discovered/eradicated/explained the following:

1) The common cold - although I suppose we'd have no reason to watch daytime tele without it

2) Stupidity - why has no one fixed Gillian McKeith yet? She clearly needs to be mended in some way...

3) Many illnesses including HIV/Aids and some forms of cancer

4) Periods - surely there is a way to have babies without the monthly torment for so many years?

5) Childbirth - do us women really need to repopulate the world in so much agony? Surely men can have babies now?

6) Wasps - if we can't find out what their use is can we not just axe them already?

7) New energy sources - yesterday the news reporter said that many nuclear power plants will be shutting in about five years time and we need a new source of energy... Humans ey, we leave everything to the last bloody minute...

8) Vampires - they've got to be real, they just have to be... Oh Edward...

9) Same goes for werewolfs, mermaids, dragons, witches, warlocks, fairies, pixies, trolls, elves, slayers, goblins, fairy godmothers... One of those stories has to be true! Surely?

10) Simon Cowell's waistline - seriously, where is it?!

11) Whether or not Lady GaGa really did used to be a man

12) If Perez Hilton has a soul

13) How to wake up looking perfect - it would just save so much time in the morning

14) Why univeristy fees are increasing by not one grand, not two grand but SIX grand???!

15) Why people panic buy in snowy weather - empty bread aisles, people buying EIGHT pints of milk?!

16) Why it never actually snows on Christmas day

17) David Dickinson

18) Why nobody you know ever wins the lottery

19) Why the government can't just print new money

20) Why money doesn't grow on trees

21) Why the papers aren't full of stories about The Apprentice's Margaret and Nick's secret love affair

22) What happens to the right handed twin of left handed people and vice versa

23) Why most people are right handed

24) Where Bin Laden is

25) Why Michael Jackson is everywhere despite being dead

26) Why celebrities give their children such weird names

27) An object which can clean your whole body at once while you brush your teeth in the morning

28) A new type of umbrella - they always blow inside out

29) Why very bad film sequels get made

30) Why I can't stop rambling!

Now if I am wrong please do let me know, with proof if possible. I am hoping I will be proved wrong on a few of these!

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